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Der Debating Club freitags in der 7. Std. im PG-Englischraum ist gestartet

das erste Treffen des Debating Clubs hat stattgefunden. Nachstehend ist ein kleiner Bericht dazu zu lesen.

On Friday 15, students interested in politicial discussions met with Mr Gösling to inaugurate the Debating Club. In this first official session after preliminary student meetings, ideas for activities and topics were discussed, changed, and agreed upon. The atmosphere was creative, supportive, and in general full of anticipation. Friday 22 will see the next session take place in the multimedia room. Students interested in taking part are welcome to simply drop by, no registration needed. Bring your curiosity and your good mood. Everyone from Year 8 upwards is welcome.
If there are any preliminary questions, students can talk to Mr Gösling or to Bianca or Henrike from Q1.

Jan Gösling

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